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446-365 BC
Accomplished politician (consular tribune, censor, dictator), savior of the state (dictator 5 times), successful general (triumphator 4 times), considered the second founder of Rome. Camillus was a scion of the powerful Furii gens, which originated in Tusculum. He was a Patrician. Camillus was active at a time when there was intense conflict between the Roman social orders (Patricians versus Plebeians).
Camillus commanded the final successful seige at Veii. Veii was a wealthy city, so the plunder was great. But it seems the god Apollo was shortchanged on his share (he was supposed to receive 1/10 of the spoils) and some of the takings had to be clawed back.
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List of Famous Romans
Life of Camillus by Plutarch